October 8th-10th 2021 (Friday-Sunday)
Join discussion on signal chat room: Signal Chat room
Tournament website: https://polonia-vegas-2021.golfgenius.com
If you have any questions, join Signal Chatroom (Install IOS/Android App “Signal” and join via link above).
Initial deposit $150.
Total expected cost $600 – $650 (golf, ceremonies, merchandise), 3 x 18 hole rounds + 9 hole horse race (skins+tourney additional $) = 63 holes of golf. Minimal cost to play is $400.00, which does not include opening ceremony breakfast, closing ceremony dinner, lunch boxes, merchandise, etc. Final cost will be provided upon receipt of initial deposit and depending on number of registered players by 5/31/21, the date registration for the tournament will close (not to exceed the expected cost mentioned above).
Replay is discounted and optional! Replay cost not calculated into the above figures.
All morning tee times ~8AM. Daily skins game $20 ($10 gross + $10 net). Daily tourney $20-$40 (TBD, whatever you guys want).

- October 8th Friday 8:00AM – 18 holes $100 at Angel Park Palm (morning), possible replay in afternoon ($TBD). Note: awaiting contract Monday 3/29.
- October 8th Friday 8:00PM – 9 hole horse race $20 (+$20 skins) under lights at Angel Park (night time) cloud 9.
- October 9th Saturday – Pauite Sun or Snow Course 18 Holes $140 with replay for $40
- October 10th Sunday – Pauite Wolf 18 Holes $140 with replay for $40. (Closing ceremony costs TBD).
Mapa pola golfowego – Mapa
Loty: Chichago – Vegas
Loty: Nowy York – Vegas
Hotele: Dostępne miejsca 7-10 października
Airbnb: $76+ za noc
Radoslaw Suchowolak will be collecting the initial deposit of $150.00 for players that are registering for the tournament.
Tournament Fee Payments to be submitted through Zelle using:
Name: Radoslaw Suchowolak
Email: rsuchowolak@yahoo.com
Tel: 3475636349
Account: 4346103332
Notes: Polonia Vegas 2021
Wire Transfer:
Beneficiary: Radoslaw Suchowolak
Bank Name: Investors Bank
Account #: 4346103332
Routing Number: 221272031
Tel. 3475636349
Purpose: Polonia Vegas 2021
Your initial deposit of $150.00 will be used towards the contract deposit with the golf courses and added to your final tournament fees. (Rad Suchowolak is putting money out of pocket to allocate dates). The deposit acts as confirmation and your commitment you will be joining us for the Tournament. Final payment for the tournament will be requested prior to the tournament and will be communicated via email to those that register.
In addition to the payment, registered players must send their information via email to Rad and Nick:
• Player Name
• Player Club
• Player GHIN #
• Current Player Handicap
• Player Email
• Player Telephone #
• Notification that you have submitted your initial deposit of $150.00 in the same email for tracking purposes.
For deposit and tournament fee related questions reach out to:
Radosław Suchowolak
Tel. 347-563-6349
E-mail. rsuchowolak@yahoo.com
For general tournament and golf course related questions reach out to:
Nick Potkay
Tel. 203-816-0381
E-mail. potkay@gmail.com
Please forward and communicate to your respective golf members.
All the Best!